Indeffinate 2025 Plans - Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett
2024-2025 EXPECTATIONS Indeffinate 2025 Plans - Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett Plans to keep a North Bay & area residence now between 2023-2024 ended March 31, 2024 due to the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations efforts MOVING OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA 5 large crates Cargo flown with specific tagged vehicles, motorcycles & off-road vehicles Registered legal address (investment rental place where others live with storage room locked at with day bed) Main address Vacation property Connected H.O.R.B properties & CIG SB - RBK Seven Retiring in a European country & not returning to Canada. Likely not visiting USA again & will only visit specific countries with Government & private M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City approval In many European countries Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett can remain for 10 years then apply for citizenship & stay permanently with banking accounts - investments & a residential p...