Asphat Alternative - Pavement


Asphat Alternative - Pavement


I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett am like some other interests developing alternatives to void interest in mass production or a calendar use of dirty energy & unsafe, unhealthy human activity practices in all areas

Sourcing raw materials
Design & manufacturing
Packaging & transit
Retail sales
Consumption & disposal

All public & private infrastructure 

With Asphalt or Pacement I am looking at sustainable fast-growing alternative safe - healthy low cost options to replace all use of Asphalt globally including maintenance

A Federal Law - In reform

The Repurpose Act 

Auditing short - long term consumption including environmentally friendly re-usable bag numbers which need to be re-used & repurposed


10-50% or up to 80% lower costs than Asphalt

The ability to include safe grid energy generators that monitor the roadway & seismic factors alongside all others

Energy generated from traffic use connects to the grid for an excess abundance of energy to lower overall energy costs within the borders & airspace of the country between. Governing agencies & Private Sector invested interests 


Like international history of just first North America 

Asphalt, also known as bitumen, is a sticky, black, highly viscous form of petroleum. In the US, 85 percent of asphalt is used for road surfaces and the balance is primarily shared amongst the roofing and waterproofing industries. The asphalt concrete mix used for paving roads is typically five percent asphalt cement and 95 percent aggregate, such as stone, sand and gravel.

When maintenance is performed on a road surface and damaged material is removed, that material can be reactivated and reused as a new pavement mix. According to the Federal Highway Administration and the National Asphalt Association, more than 99 percent of the asphalt that is removed each year during widening or resurfacing projects is reused as part of new pavement, roadbeds, shoulders and embankments. This makes asphalt an easily recyclable material with widespread applications such as parking lots, driveways, racetracks, airport grounds and runways, tennis courts, reservoir and pool linings, soundproofing, cable and pipe coatings, and newspaper ink
production amongst others.

But what are the drawbacks?

Asphalt Impact

In order to understand the need for an asphalt alternative, we’ll take a perfunctory look at the factors that have motivated engineers and environmentalists alike to seek other options.

Asphalt is a petroleum-based product that is mined from the earth. For road surfaces, rock, sand and gravel are also required, all of which are sourced from the earth. Drilling, mining, processing and transporting these materials is resource intensive.

Water flowing across road surfaces is exposed to contaminants in the asphalt itself, which then flow into municipal water systems, lakes, rivers, streams and the ocean, where they impact the environment.

Petroleum-based asphalt is a high-VOC compound. Volatile organic compounds release harmful gases into the atmosphere, not only from the road surfaces, but the production process also releases substantial
VOC emissions.

In fact, in a recent scientific study of road — not vehicle — emissions, it was discovered that emissions were considerable at 60°C (140°F), a typical temperature for asphalt on a sunny day in Los Angeles. Even at lower temperatures, a moderate level of sunlight can increase harmful chemical emissions by as much as 300 percent. When heated to 140°C (284°F) — the temperature used for paving roads — the asphalt releases harmful organic compounds in especially large quantities. In each of the above scenarios, sufficient invisible aerosol particulate to cause lung damage was observed. In urban settings, annual estimates of asphalt-related aerosol emissions exceed those from motor vehicles.

Concrete roads are definitely a viable alternative, and while they’re highly durable and comparatively more environmentally friendly, they’re also significantly more expensive. Considering road safety, compared to concrete, asphalt provides slightly more traction in terms of snow and skidding, so concrete roads are best relegated to more moderate climates.

Reference source of others


Environmental - Health focus on all areas of production

Digital & physical products & services


Sourcing raw materials
Design & manufacturing
Packaging & transit
Retail sales
Consumption & disposal

All public & private infrastructure 


Private infrastructure including servers & water use with heat sinks to lower energy consumption in storage

Sourcing raw materials
Design & manufacturing
Packaging & transit
Retail sales
Consumption & disposal

All public & private infrastructure 

The cycle

Pull items out of the ground & process with air & water them use without negatively affecting the atmosphere "air" or ground "earth" or water "oceans-seas, lakes, streams & rivers" 

Disposal of items safely after short or long use without negatively affecting the atmosphere "air" or ground "earth" or water "oceans-seas, lakes, streams & rivers" 

Our biological health & existence depends on this perspective 


Legal names

Nicholas James Joseph Bennett
Sydney Nicola Bennett

Born 1985, September 1. North Bay, Ontario, Canada 

2012-2024 separate from efforts taken prior to 1999 & 1993

Assaulting my body while awake or asleep

Performing any tasks

Walking around & going up or down stairs
Waking up washroom use
While preparing or consuming & storing food - drinks
While using electronics or all other devices manual-tradational or digital
Driving a motor vehicle or motorcycle of any kind on or off-road



The natural gender Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Male born male

The natural sexuality of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Straight - heterosexual


Those in Government, Banking, Private Sector & Medical-Dental interests then all others connected past-present 
Monarchy of the United Kingdom

We are unfortunately are executing the British Monarch right now between 2024-2029

The Monarch dies early as a family in the United Kingdom for what those operating at or with the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster location chose to do to the body & life of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett prior to 1993, 1999 & again before 2011 then later between 2012-2024
The family dies with their Canadian & guest to Canada:

The disability - handicap persons

Hereditary & late onset or temporary short or long term

LGBTQ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer identity in persons 

Phillips Jeff Dr

437 Sherbrooke St, North Bay, ON P1B 2C2

One of multiple medical professionals in Canada caught & connected to those operating at or with the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations prior to 1999 & post including since 2003-2004 

The monarchy of the United Kingdom, commonly referred to as the British monarchy, is the form of government used by the United Kingdom by which a hereditary monarch reigns as the head of state, with their powers regulated by the British Constitution. The term may also refer to the role of the royal family within the UK's broader political structure. The current monarch is King Charles III, who ascended the throne on 8 September 2022, upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

Just under 500,000 Canadians are literally executing the remainder of over 40 million Canadians between 2024-2029

Sexual orientation is about who you're attracted to and who you feel drawn to romantically, emotionally, and sexually. It's different than gender identity. Gender identity isn't about who you're attracted to, but about who you ARE — male, female, genderqueer, etc.


All citizens ages 0-17, 18-100+ & those since turned age 18 then all new births will be knocked into one-six neurological technology networks & devices controlled by different interests before January 2025. We are speeding up the process

Citizens unmanned monitored
Citizens monitored & controlled
Combinations depending on citizen 


Private Interest
Government - Private Interest combination

M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City

CIG or Approved connected

Neuro-Strike - Neuro-Defence - Research

Labs operating within the borders & airspace or from outside affecting citizens within 

Citizens that operate at the labs & maintain main lives with secondary concerns while doubling as private Security Intelligence interests

Paid & drafted interests 


M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City

CIG or Approved connected

Neuro-Strike - Neuro-Defence - Research

Drafted & paid persons versus hostages in investigations

Detachable full body devices
Memory extraction capabilities


Approved Connected Interests

2 Billion Devices spread internationally with the M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City Neuro-Program created & innovated by Michael Persinger, colleague Dr Mary Koslov with Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

North - South America
European - Middle Eastern - African
Asian - Oceania - Island Nation

Associated software & covert private infrastructure for Neuro-Strike - Neuro-Defence labs versus Standardized Research Labs

This 2024 Defence - Research contract at a cost of just over US $1000.00 per unit with associated software merging with already established private infrastructure includes expenses & profit covered alongside the fee from Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett at US $501.00 per unit

All capabilities included with device & lab tracking within the M.S.P-M.C.G global grid  


5+ Billion Devices spread internationally with the M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City Neuro-Program created & innovated by Michael Persinger, colleague Dr Mary Koslov with Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

North - South America
European - Middle Eastern - African
Asian - Oceania - Island Nation

Associated software & covert private infrastructure for Neuro-Strike - Neuro-Defence labs versus Standardized Research Labs 

This contract for just over 5 billion devices had been set up between the 1990's-2012 & before 2022 with different variations of neurological technology & software with practices with units ranging between under $100-1000+ with software backed by different investments  as a Security Defence strategy which included fees from different interests including Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

All capabilities included with device & lab tracking within the M.S.P-M.C.G global grid


24 hour rotational teams with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in

Connecting interests outside the location

Cypress International Biotechnology Practices, Policies & Standards for Research Labs versus Neuro-Strike - Neuro-Defence Labs

Ability to log in or operate using the main device at the lab or electronic devices & different apps remotely


Regardless of similarities & differences you are the consciousness behind the eyes 

According to a combined opinion from H.O.R.B-CIG interests

Nicole Sydney Bennett & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

You are naturally you in your body since birth

Law is the law

Conscious free will & choice


We will have over 15 billion devices in total within M.S.P-M.C.G connected interests in our global grid

This is a network for different areas of global human based threat & to monitor the earth, earth's atmosphere, ecosystems & land, water then everything between

Animals, insects & mammals

We intend to have enough empty & live detachable full body devices for all human beings & a large minority of life on earth then a separate Defence for potential outerspace foreign planet interactions aligned with earth's history & different theories then truth on human evolution & conscious dimensions 
Neuro-Defence capabilites allow us to trace signals from an affected person to the GPS location housing the device then investigate those entering exiting past-present then others connected outside

We can also extract memory & even use Neuro-Strike techniques to overtake entire countries Governments covertly using advanced ghost intelligence practices rendering their Security Defence useless under our temporary or permanent wireless control while we negotiate forced new legal contracts


8.1 Billion (current) The term "World Population" refers to the human population (the total number of humans currently living) of the world.

In world demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living. It was estimated by the United Nations to have exceeded eight billion in mid-November 2022. It took around 300,000 years of human prehistory and history for the human population to reach a billion and only 222 years more to reach 8 billion.

The human population has experienced continuous growth following the Great Famine of 1315–1317 and the end of the Black Death in 1350, when it was nearly 370,000,000. The highest global population growth rates, with increases of over 1.8% per year, occurred between 1955 and 1975, peaking at 2.1% between 1965 and 1970. The growth rate declined to 1.1% between 2015 and 2020 and is projected to decline further in the 21st century. The global population is still increasing, but there is significant uncertainty about its long-term trajectory due to changing fertility and mortality rates. The UN Department of Economics and Social Affairs projects between 9 and 10 billion people by 2050 and gives an 80% confidence interval of 10–12 billion by the end of the 21st century, with a growth rate by then of zero. Other demographers predict that the human population will begin to decline in the second half of the 21st century.

The total number of births globally is currently (2015–2020) 140 million/year, which is projected to peak during the period 2040–2045 at 141 million/year and then decline slowly to 126 million/year by 2100. The total number of deaths is currently 57 million/year and is projected to grow steadily to 121 million/year by 2100.

The median age of human beings as of 2020 is 31 years.


Desktop - Laptop - Mobile - Tablet adjusting website designs

With 50 Websites at $30 USD annually can include a drag - drop Themify Me Master Theme WordPress option + custom Domain ""

50 Website Hosting $40-$60 Per Month

Master Theme - $250 One License - for All Clients

Social Media - Social Media Integration

WordPress - Log in & edit themes easily once theme & compatible plug ins are loaded in

Your high quality images. Your text area editing & graphics (Vectors or PSD Photoshop)

Woo Commerce or Shopify + other E-commerce connectivity 
If 50 people or companies, brands or businesses & areas of Government or other go in on a package with back up database capabilities within as a plug in for specific clients over custom options

The total costs are in 2024 between $20-30 USD or less annually 

Custom programming coders often charge $25-150 per hour in rates depending on requirements in design & development within all areas if you do not do it yourself using tutorials & different industry spec reference 



Stock - paid licence
Stock - free licence
Self created
Photographer created


Stock - paid licence
Stock - free licence
Self created
Professional created 


Stock - paid licence
Stock - free licence
Self created
Professional created


Stock - paid licence
Stock - free licence
Self created
Professional created

AI - Artificial intelligence Machine Learned

Graphics - Images - Photographs

Video content

Text content 


We can use recycled aluminum cans or steel to create composite framing & components using different CNC - Billet production moulds

While consumer based recycling cycles back into the production system a lot is wasted in the process

Gasification with landfill-waste & recycling on a smaller scale still generates Co2 emissions yet we can repurpose a lot of materials from different industry in short-long term consumption using a re-manufacturing & re-purposing of different disposed - used products & packaging for the use in such platforms in mass production 

This includes Ocean - Sea based excess waste mixed with fast-growing renewable environmentally health focused safe non-toxic materials

This cuts down raw material sourcing requirements & creates a use - reuse cycle in multiple industries lowering landfill waste & recycling inefficiencies


Confirmation on a traced set of threat labs & labs that became a threat versus standardized labs which operated between 2000-2002 in North America connected to international interests responsible for their part in the 911 Terror Attacks

Some responsible parties are still alive yet many have since died now in 2024

The unofficial unreleased facts on how the World Trade Center attack on the World Financial System + Bankers occurred on US Soil

Building 7. Planted bomb

Aircraft taken over by Neurological Technology threat labs with corrupt Government & Private Sector interests involved

No direct contact with the US White House & President with teams

Al-Qaeda found guilty in different areas of conflict & blamed as members of were on the aircraft & considered hijackers yet they were connected to neurological technology equipment wireless controlled just like flight attendants & pilots

There is a similar scenario in different flights yet based on retalative scenarios those on-board the flight kept the flight landing safely rather than an accident even if a dramatic effort to frighten or add a theme to such using pilots, flight attendants connected to neurological technology had been in the equation

Persons unmanned monitored

Persons taken over partially to fully controlled

Persons returned to unmanned monitored

This is the case with a percentage of transportation interests with semi-truck & trailer then tour bus, school bus & separately taxi drivers in different beta test areas with North America including 5-25% or higher in numbers on average of people monitored unmanned or monitored & controlled or a combination with one-six devices with associated software connected to the body


Connecting international interests with US based corrupt officials & interests in the US Government operated together to carry out 911 with multiple areas of interest as a factor at play while those responsible expected to use others without them knowing to gain socially - financially in different ways on an international level to gain & alter areas of conflict yet it was not a simple false flag event when the Trade Centers were hit

Iraq - Iraq - Iraq


Longest maintenance schedules requiring less repairs with good performance averages 

Lexus, Toyota, Mini, Acura and Honda

Worst Brands - Global Auto Market

Shortest maintenance schedules requiring repairs continually yet good performance averages 

12. Audi

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 43
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $987

11. Chevrolet

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 43
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $649

10. Dodge

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 42
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $634

9. Ford

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 40
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $775

8. Lincoln

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 38
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $879

7. GMC

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 36
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $744

6. Volvo

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 28
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $769

5. Jeep

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 26
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $634

4. Volkswagen

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 26
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $676

3. Rivian

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 24
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: Not available

2. Mercedes-Benz

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 23
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $908

1. Chrysler

  • Predicted Reliability Score: 18
  • Average Yearly Maintenance Costs: $608


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